National Infusion Center Association et al. v. Becerra et al.

Docket No.
District Court
Texas Western


  • Block government from enforcing results of negotiation
  • Declaration that provisions are unconstitutional

Litigation Content

Why this Matters:

The plaintiffs argue that the Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare drug negotiation process violates the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment, Excessive Fines Clause, separation of powers, and the Nondelegation Doctrine. Medicare’s authority to negotiate the price of certain single-source, high-priced drugs is estimated to result in substantial savings for Medicare beneficiaries and the federal government. 

Potential Impact:

Successful challenges to Medicare’s negotiation authority would negate savings to Medicare beneficiaries and taxpayers, and could severely restrict federal regulatory authority in the health care arena. 

26 Major Filings

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