Su v. UMR, Inc.

Docket No.
District Court
Wisconsin Western


  • Enjoin defendant from committing future violations of ERISA
  • Require defendant to change claims handling procedures
  • Require defendant to readjudicate emergency services and drug screening claims


Litigation Content

Why this Matters:

The Department of Labor alleges that denials of certain hospital emergency services claims and urinary drug screening claims by the nation’s largest third-party administrator for employer health plans violates the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. As self-funded insurance plans are generally exempt from state regulation, robust enforcement by federal regulators and private litigation to ensure compliance with obligations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act is vital to safeguard consumer protections.

Potential Impact:

Litigation and other enforcement activities to ensure compliance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act remain important tools to best protect the interests of participants in employee benefit plans.