Idaho v. United States

Docket No.
Supreme Court
Supreme Court


  • Invalidate state law
  • Prevent enforcement of state law

Litigation Content

This case has been consolidated with Moyle v. United States (23-726). Amicus briefs submitted for that case have been included on this page.

Why this Matters 

The U.S. Department of Justice alleges that an Idaho law prohibiting abortions unless necessary to save the life of the mother is preempted by the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). Ensuring that clinicians provide abortion services when required to stabilize a patient in a medical emergency situation enables patients to receive necessary life-saving care. 

Potential Impact 

Preventing women from accessing stabilizing care in emergency situations, if that care requires an abortion, will put the health and safety of women in jeopardy. 

61 Major Filings

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