National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Ass’n et al. v. Azar et al.

Docket No.
District Court
New York Southern


  • Invalidate all or part of a federal regulation
  • Stop the government from enforcing the statute or regulation

Litigation Content

Why this Matters:

The plaintiffs allege that a Trump administration regulation broadening conscience exemptions for health care providers and threatening to withhold federal funding of state and local programs — which would cause more patients to be denied access to reproductive health care services and other emergency services —violates the Administrative Procedure Act, the Spending Clause, Due Process, and the Establishment Clause. The challenged regulation would allow providers to discriminate against LGBTQI+ people and other medically and socially marginalized populations.

Potential Impact:

Eroding nondiscrimination protections for women and LGBTQI+ people by expanding certain conscience exemptions would expose them to greater challenges in accessing needed services and care.

40 Major Filings

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